Puerto Nuevo Style Lobster Recipe

Today’s discussion will go on the Puerto Nuevo style lobster recipe. Before going to the main topic, we should know about Puerto Nuevo. Otherwise, you can’t measure its significance and feel the proper cuisine of the recipe.

Puerto Nuevo, a small town on the coast of Baja California, Mexico is known for its lobster dishes. In fact, the whole town is a lobster market, where you can find restaurants that serve this delicious seafood dish and even homemade tortillas, cinnamon rolls, and pastries. If you visit Puerto Nuevo during the summer season, as I did, you will be able to enjoy the amazing sea views, as well as a great lobster dish.

Puerto Nuevo is located about 30 minutes south of Rosarito Beach and it’s considered a must-see for travelers who want to witness the Mexican beach culture. The main attraction of this picturesque place is its central plaza, which features vendors selling fresh lobsters and other seafood dishes. The village has been attracting tourists from around the world since 1956 and since then it has been growing in popularity. Restaurants in Puerto Nuevo serve a variety of lobster dishes made with different styles and spices. If you are not too much into seafood you can enjoy some traditional Mexican cuisine such as burritos or albondigas soup, but that’s not all; you can also enjoy some delicious desserts such as cinnamon rolls or pastries. Besides these, you can enjoy Paula Deen’s Seafood Newburg of Shrimp Recipe.

What is Puerto Nuevo Style Lobster Recipe?

Puerto Nuevo Lobster comes with red rice and refried beans. The lobster is served in a mixture of butter, parsley, garlic, and hot sauce. You eat lobster with tortillas, which are handmade from fresh corn.

The freshness of the product is what makes Puerto Nuevo Lobster special. The lobsters come from the sea to your plate within 30 minutes.

Puerto Nuevo Lobster has a traditional way to prepare this dish, but you can add your own touch of creativity to make it more modern. This dish is perfect for special occasions or family gatherings because you will impress your guests with its great flavors and amazing presentation.

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Puerto Nuevo Style Lobster Recipe

How to Make Puerto Nuevo Style Lobster San Diego Recipe?

The owners of the restaurant, Chef José Antonio and his wife, are very friendly and they make sure that their customers are satisfied with their food. In the kitchen, Chef José Antonio prepared for me Puerto Nuevo lobster, a traditional dish from the “lobster village”. The main ingredient is fresh lobster from the sea, which is boiled to perfection with spices like garlic and oregano. Once you get your lobster, you place it on a bed of rice with refried beans, homemade flour tortillas, and red salsa. The last step to make this dish perfect is to squeeze a little bit of lemon juice over the whole meal. From them, we learned about the preparation of this secret recipe. Their instructions are discussed in detail here.


1. Large Bowl
2. Ice cube
3. Large Skillet
4. Stove
5. Spoons
6. Plate
7. Knife

Recipe Summary

Preparation Time: 10 mins
Cook Time: 15 mins
Total Time: 25 mins
Yield: 1 Serving
Food Type: Dessert
Cuisine: Mexican, Californian
Calories: 310 kcal


  • 1 Lobster cut in half, cleaned, and washed
  • Lard enough to cover the lobster
  • Rapeseed oil
  • Pepper to taste
  • Salt to taste
  • Refried beans
  • Red rice, Mexican style
  • Flour tortillas
  • Half a lemon to garnish
  • Mexican spicy salsa, you can use anything else if you like


  1. The lobster meat is first washed clean and then cut into pieces about two inches long.
  2. Put the lobster into an ice bath to chill quickly.
  3. Salt and pepper are added to taste lobster meat.
  4. Heat the oil in a fryer to 350°F (175°C).
  5. Fry the pieces of lobster for three minutes or until they turn pink.
  6. Take them out of the fryer with a slotted spoon and set them aside on a rack or paper towels to cool off before adding them to the casserole dish full of oil.
  7. Add some salt to the reserved oil in the fryer and bring back to temperature at 350°F (175°C).
  8. The lobsters are now ready to be cooked again, this time in their own shell with some lard.
  9. This second frying process will seal in all of their flavor and color while keeping them tender
  10. Serve this cooked food with refried beans, flour tortillas, and red rice.

Tips for Chef José Antonio Style Lobster Recipe

Some people may prefer to use only oil instead of lard, so that’s fine. The most important thing is that the batter is smooth and not too runny. If the batter is too runny, the dough will spread on the hot griddle rather than forming bubbles and crust. The batter should be looked similar to a tinny pancake batter. Pour a small ladleful of batter onto the hot surface and quickly swirl it around to create an even layer. You can also use two spoons to pour batter onto the hot surface. Wait until bubbles start to form on the surface before you flip over. That’s when you get that nice crunchy texture on top.


Even though many of us in the USA have heard of Puerto Nuevo, or even go to see it, few have strained to reproduce the dish we know and love as “Puerto Nuevo Style Lobster” at home. This is due to a number of factors, including the high price of lobster, which can often be prohibitive for any home cook; the long time it takes for lobster to cook properly; and the complexity of picking out the right lobster tails. Thankfully, the last issue has been solved with the advent of frozen lobster tails, which are flash-frozen shortly after they’re cooked. This means that when you buy them, they’re ready to be used in a dish like this one.

If you’re interested in how to make Puerto Nuevo style lobster at home, I hope you’ll find this recipe helpful! It’s a great mix of classic Mexican flavors with a California twist which makes this unique seafood dish taste even better than it would if it were made using local ingredients. Puerto Nuevo style lobster is sure to be a hit with your family—and your guests!

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